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​PATH / YOL, Antalya, Turkey 1955

PATH / YOL, Antalya, Turkey 1955

Suna, İnan & İpek Kıraç

Pera Museum Exhibition Catalogue

November 2013

Hosting Yıldız Moran, the quiet revolutionary of photography, at Pera Museum


Pera Museum pays tribute to Yıldız Moran, undoubtedly one of the most important photographers of Turkey, with the Yıldız Moran:  Timeless Photographs exhibition comprised of 84 photographs selected from nearly 8000 negatives preserved in her family collection.


As the first female photographer in Turkey to hold a degree in her field, Moran constantly pushed her own standards and limits with new quests in the course of her 12 year-long careers in photography. Through her unique, lyrical language of photography and particularly her photographs focusing on Anatolia and its people, she soon became one of the stars of photography in Turkey.


Designed to present a more comprehensive picture of Yıldız Moran and her style, we believe that this exhibition will significantly appeal to and receive the attention it deserves from the photography and art circles in Turkey.


We would thus like to take this opportunity to respectfully cherish the memory of Yıldız Moran, the quiet revolutionary of photography in the Republican Era. We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Olgun and Nazlı Çetinok Arun, esteemed members of Yıldız Moran’s family, exhibition curator Coşar Kulaksız, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Photography Department members Prof. Yusuf Murat Şen, Assoc. Prof. Ozan Bilgiseren, and Pera Museum staff for their contributions in bringing this exhibition to life.


Suna, İnan & İpek Kıraç

November 2013

© 2015 - 2022 Yıldız Moran Archive

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